UPSTATE is my latest narrative project, and the one I’ve felt the most passionate about. It follows Ryan Essen, a 31 year old in 2018, returning to her childhood home in the fictional Hudson Valley town of Heinrichville, New York. Her father is dying, her home is changing, and like so many millennials, she feels like the best years of her life are far behind her.

Below is a nine page preview of the book, as well as a link to purchase it and and a list of stores which are stocking it. I hope you enjoy.


Floating World Comics

400 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209

Books with Pictures

1401 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202

Copacetic Comics

3138 Dobson St #3, Pittsburgh PA 15219

Desert Island Comics

540 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11211

Pure Folly Books

234-A Warren St., Hudson, NY, 12534